Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I love this time of year! Yes, it’s extremely busy, but it’s the time of the year when our students have the opportunity to practice the skills they’ve learned over the year in their respective Career Tech Student Organization (CTSO) competitions. Our campus has had another successful year of winners with BPA and FCCLA and we are anticipating more winners as HOSA and SkillsUSA competitions conclude in April.

I can remember as an eighth grader at Bokoshe Junior High School, my Agriculture Education instructor, Winfred Ashley, encouraging me to participate in a district speech contest in FFA. I was unsure and lacked the confidence to step out on my own and attempt a speech contest. But, I did it and I won! Later that year I was chosen to represent our FFA Chapter at the State FFA convention as the voting delegate on the floor. I can remember being in total amazement as I witnessed the State FFA officer team, students just a few years older than me, carry out the opening ceremonies with confidence and pride. I remember watching the State FFA Degree recipients receive the degrees and making a commitment to myself to achieve that goal when I was a senior.

Fast forward four years later and I walked across that same stage and received my State FFA Degree with my parents and FFA advisor watching from the audience. During that four year time period I had fine-tuned my public speaking ability to win at several district and state competitions. As a senior I represented our local FFA Chapter as the chapter president.

I do not aim to brag on myself, but do strongly believe that if it had not been for my Career Tech Agriculture Education instructor, Winfred Ashley, pushing me to participate in that first speech competition I would not have gained the confidence and leadership skills that I have today. If it had not been for the FFA organization providing the leadership opportunities to me and thousands of other students, I would not have had the successes that I have experienced throughout my life.

CTSO opportunities such as FFA, are many times the only extra-curricular activities available to students in small communities across Oklahoma and the nation. My story is a “drop in the bucket” compared to the thousands of other success stories other students have had as a result of their involvement in a CTSO.

I love this time of year! Yes, it’s extremely busy, but maybe, just maybe a student will have an experience such as mine with their involvement in their CTSO, their life’s path transformed, and then, it will all be worth what we do!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree!! There is nothing like watching a student blossom, especially in an area in which they had zero confidence going in. Thank you for your support of our CTSO's. We always know you are encouraging us and the students see that you are proud of them.
